Friday, 11 April 2008

Saltwaterflies for Cape Cod 2008

I have been busy knocking up flies for the Cape Cod fishing trip, with three weeks of fishing ahead I am aware that Im going to need plenty of ammo. I will try to keep the number of patterns down, Deep Eels, sparse Clousers , Black Decievers and a handfull of Menhaden ( Bunker) flies should do the trick. Obviously I will add a few bits and bobs to the mix. There are several guys that have asked me to supply flies , 180 Deep eels later I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Every year we encounter shoals of Manhaden often closely pusuied by Bluefish and striped bass. I have tied these flies with EP 3 D Fibres Menhaden over Tan over Baitfish Belly, Hook Tiemco 600 SP size 6/0 . Eyes 6 mm Abalone shell. Just add a couple of spots to the flank to match the distinctive markings of the natural.

Hopefully these will dothe trick

I have an article on the main site with tying instructions

Click here

Aprill Fools or brave souls?

I was joined by Clive on Thursay April 11 th. So two brave souls headed out into the rain for an early season saltwater fly fishing session. The initial plan was to hit the same mark that provided me with a couple of Bass in Febuary. As soon as I managed to position the boat correctly and set up the right drift we were into fish, fishing in 25 foot of water with fast sinking lines on 8 and 9 # rods. The fly of choice was a size 2 Olive over Polar DNA frosty fish Fibre Clouser ( By way of a change !) We managed to land over 40 Pollack and coalfish, no bass were landed today . But it was still great fun to see a bend in the rod.

Austen Goldsmith CLICK HERE