Sunday 9 December 2007

Sky TV vs. the Gym. And the state of the Forums

Fishing has made me chubby chap over the last few years, the Surfboard gathers dust and my computer keyboard skills increase year on year. Fishing doesn’t really burn the calories to the same extent as surfing and the more you sit on your arse the fatter it gets .

I think the forums are possibly dying or at least they are in the UK , with regard to saltwater fly fishing.. I am a reforming forum junkie. The forums are limp and lifeless where once they flourished. I constantly scour the boards looking for something interesting going on and seem to draw a blank , am I alone there ? Theres more spam on the forums embedded between the lines than there is in my spam box and that’s something else.

I had been meaning to sign up for Sky TV this winter and also re join the gym. I would love to watch all those Fishing Programs. It was a toss up between the two , luckily I joined the Gym. Its early days but I feel great for pumping some iron and running a few Kilometres on the treadmill every other day. I also finally woke up and purchased an ipod , this has re awoken my passion for music. Playing Leftfields epic debut album from 96 while running has been spiritually uplifting to say the least. Just keep an eye on the heart rate those songs lift you maybee a little too high.

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